COVID-19 CoronaVirus Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, New Zealand Transport Options
COVID-19, the novel Coronavirus, is now in New Zealand with growth predicted over the coming weeks and months. It’s still possible at alert level 2 to travel on public transport (buses and trains) in New Zealand, but if the alert level rises, then these services may be reduced or compromised.
Already there are changes afoot. For example, Auckland Transport has announced that cash will no longer be accepted on Auckland buses from 23rd March, 2020, meaning riders will need to have a HOP card or similar. I’m not sure of the status of cash fares on public transport in other main New Zealand cities, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they follow suit before too long. Apparently cash can be a virus breeding ground… who knew?
Anyway, if public transport is reduced, but you still need to get to work, or just to travel to your local supermarket for urgent supplies (assuming we are not in complete lockdown and some local travel is allowed), then ride sharing passenger services like Ola, Zoomy, and Uber provide real options to get to work cost effectively and quickly.
Even if public transport continues as is, you might feel uncomfortable travelling on these services, as you’ll be touching poles, buttons and similar items that many others may also have touched. Auckland Transport has stated that they are cleaning the buses more regularly and vigilantly, and that the chance of transmission is theoretically low. A safer option might well be where you’re in an Ola, Zoomy or Uber car with just yourself and the driver: driver in the front seat, yourself in the back. This is also a reasonable attempt at social distancing, as long as you’re both well.
If you’re not already a user of these services, use the links below to join the services, and enter the special code mentioned on the adverts to get yourself free rides to trial them. Promotions do change from time to time, so be quick!
Use Code E2W8CM8 To Get $10 Free